Spelling List 5-31
5-31 Spelling List
11. |
symphony |
1. an elaborate musical composition for an orchestra.
2. symphony orchestra: the Chicago Symphony. 3. harmony of
sounds. 4. harmony of colors: In autumn the woods are a symphony in red,
brown, and yellow. |
12. |
conquer |
1. get by fighting; win in war: The Romans
conquered much of the ancient world. 2. overcome by force; get the better of;
defeat. 3. be victorious; be the conqueror. |
13. |
tobacco |
the prepared leaves of certain related plants, used for
smoking or chewing or as snuff. |
14. |
mosquito |
a small, thin insect. |
15. |
alphabet |
all the letters of a language put in a certain order. |
16. |
criticism |
1. unfavorable remarks or judgments; finding fault.
2. the making of judgments; analysis of merits and faults. 3. a
critical comment, essay, review, etc.: The editor wrote a criticism of the author's
new book. |
17. |
council |
1. group of people called together to give advice and to
discuss or settle questions. 2. group of persons elected by citizens to make
laws for and manage a city or town. |
18. |
arithmetic |
the study of numbers. You learn to add, subtract,
multiply, and divide. |
19. |
definitely |
1. in a definite manner: Say definitely what you
have in mind. 2. certainly: I definitely want to go. |
20. |
embarrass |
1. make uneasy and ashamed; make self-conscious:
She embarrassed me by asking me if I really like her. 2. hamper; hinder:
Lack of trucks embarrassed the army's movements. 3. burden with debt:
The company was financially embarrassed and could not pay its employees last week. |
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