
5-31 Spelling List

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Spelling List 5-31

5-31 Spelling Tip

Misspelled words.
Some words are commonly misspelled words.
Some common misspelled words are science, league, and calendar.


Words Definitions
1. probably more likely than not.
2. calendar a table or chart showing the months, weeks, and days of the year.
3. thought what someone thinks; thinking about something:  She had a sudden thought. 
4. believe 1.  think something is true:  We believe the earth is round.  2. think someone tells the truth:  did her friends believe her?
5. necessary 1.  needed; having to be done:  a necessary repair.   2.  unavoidable:  Death is a necessary end.  3.  thing impossible to do without.
6. conscience sense of right and wrong; ideas and feeling within you that tell you when you are doing right and warn you of what is wrong.
7. immigrate come into a country or region to live there.
8. league 1.  a union of persons, parties, or nations formed to help one another.  2. united in a league; form a union.  3.  association of sports clubs or teams:  a baseball league.
9. comb a toothed implement used to smooth and arrange the hair or worn in the hair to hold it in place
10. geography 1.  the study of the earth's surface, countries, and people.  2.  a book about geography.

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