Spelling List 5-3

5-3 Spelling List


11. beans 1. small, flat seeds used as vegetables.  2. the shells also used as vegetables.  3. the plants beans grown on.
12. easier without much trouble; easily.
13. eager wanting very much; desiring very strongly:  The child was eager to have the candy.
14. treaty a contract in writing signed by two or more political authorities:  The presidents both signed the treaty.
15. equipment 1. act of equipping; fitting out:  The equipment of the expedition took six months.  2. what a person or thing is equipped with; outfit; furnishings; supplies:  camping equipment.
16. cream the oily, yellowish part of milk:  Put cream in your coffee.
17. equivalent 1. equal; the same in value, force, effect, meaning, etc.  2. something equivalent:  Five pennies are the equivalent of a nickel.
18. hero 1. person admired for bravery, great deeds, or noble qualities.  2.  the most important male person in a story, play, poem, motion picture, etc.
19. effective 1. able to produce an effect:  She is a principal who knows how to make effective rules.  2.  producing the desired effect; getting results.  3.  in operation; active.  4.  striking; impressive:   Her skill use of bright colors resulted in a very effective picture.
20. steer 1.  guide; control:  She steered her bike well.   2.  one of a herd of beef cattle raised for food.