Spelling List 5-29

5-29 Spelling Tip


Synonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced differently, but have similar meanings.  The words afraid and frightened are spelled and pronounced differently, but they have similar meanings.  Afraid and frightened are synonyms.


Words Definitions
1. afraid 1. filled with fear or dread.  Are you afraid of snakes?  2.  sorry:  I'm afraid I must ask you to go.
2. vicinity 1.  region near or about a place; neighborhood; surrounding district.  2.  nearness in place; being close.
3. laughter the sounds of laughing.
4. compute find out by arithmetical or other mathematical work; calculate:  Mother computed the cost of our trip.
5. enemy 1.  one who is against you or wishes to harm you.   2.  anything that will do harm:  Pollution is our enemy.
6. snickering 1.  half-suppressed and disrespectful laughing; sly or silly laughing; giggle.  2.  laughing in this way.
7. opponent 1.  person who is on the other side in a fight, game, or discussion; person fighting, struggling, or speaking against another:  She defeated her opponent in the election.  2.  opposing.
8. expert 1.  a very skillful person; person who knows a great deal about some special thing:  She is an expert at fishing.  2.  very skillful knowing a great deal about some special thing:  he is an expert chemist.  3. requiring or showing special skill:  expert workmanship.
9. shrewd having a sharp mind; showing a keen wit; clever; keen; sharp   She is a shrewd lawyer.
10. sharp 1.  having a thin edge to cut with or a fine point:   a sharp knife, a sharp needle.  2.  noticing things quickly: Detectives must have sharp eyes.  3.  in music, a tone one-half step above.