Spelling List 5-28

5-28 Spelling Tip

Compound words
Compound words are words that are made up of two words.
Spacecraft, applesauce, and cardboard are compound words.


Words Definitions
1. meanwhile at the same time.
2. gentleman 1.  man of good family and social position.  2. a well-bred man.  3.  a polite term for any man.
3. bedroom a room to sleep in.
4. fingerprint 1.  a mark made by the fleshy tip of a finger.  2.  take the fingerprints of.
5. highland country or region that is higher and hillier than the neighboring country land high over sea level.
6. sidewalk a place to walk at the side of a street.
7. headache 1. pain in the head.  2.  something which causes great bother or annoyance.
8. policeman a police officer.
9. somehow in a way not known; in one way or another.
10. butterfly an insect with a small, thin body and four large, bright-colored wings.