
5-28 Spelling List

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Spelling List 5-28

5-28 Spelling List


11. backward 1.  toward the back.  2.  with the back first.
12. rainfall 1.  shower of rain.  2.  amount of water in the form of rain, sleet, or snow that falls within a given time and area.
13. notebook book in which to write notes of things to be learned or remembered.
14. airport a field for airplanes to land on and start from.
15. handsome good-looking; pleasing to the eye:  That man is handsome.
16. understood 1.  get the meaning of:  She understood it after it was explained to her.  2.  know well:  She has always understood what you told her.
17. cardboard a stiff material made of layers of paper pressed together, used to make cards, boxes, etc.
18. anywhere in, at, or to any place.
19. grandmother the mother of one's mother or father.
20. somewhere in or to some place.

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