11. |
groan |
1. a sound made down in the throat when one is sad or in
pain: Groans could be heard from the attic. 2. make this sound. |
12. |
grown |
become bigger; become more: The flowers have grown tall. |
13. |
poor |
1. having just a few things or nothing: That
family was very poor. 2. not good: This is very poor soil. 3. needing help: This poor child is lost. |
14. |
pour |
1. cause to flow in a steady stream: Pour some
milk on your cereal. 2. flow in a steady stream: People poured out of
the theater. |
15. |
rays |
1. lines or beams of light. 2. lines or
streams of radiant energy in the form of heat, light, etc. 3. thin lines
coming out from a center. 4. fish with broad, flat bodies and very broad fins. |
16. |
raise |
1. lift up. 2. cause to rise: The
horses raised a cloud of dust. 3. make grow: The farmer raises poultry. |
17. |
vary |
1. make or become different; change: The driver
can vary the speed of an automobile. 2. be different; differ: Stars vary
in brightness. |
18. |
very |
much; more than usual: The wind is very cold. |
19. |
waist |
1. the part of the human body between the ribs and the
hips. 2. waistline. 3. garment or part of a garment covering the
body from the neck or shoulders to the waistline; blouse or bodice. |
20. |
waste |
1. make bad use of; throw away without using. 2. the poor use of something. 3. material to be thrown away; garbage;
trash. 4. not used; to be thrown away. |