
5-22 Spelling Test

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1. I had toast and for breakfast.
Definition: any grain that is used as food. 
2. I made a when I traded my baseball card for a basketball card.
Definition: a giving up of one thing for another. 
3. Mom was very careful when sewing the .
Definition: line formed by sewing two pieces of cloth, canvas, leather, etc., together.
4. I awoke to the smell and of bacon frying.
Definition: make a hissing sound, as fat does when it is frying or burning. 
5. The homeless dog is very .
Definition: very thin; very lean.
6. She was very when she explained her math.
Definition: definite; precise; particular. 
7. The is the head of a school.
Definition: the head of a school.
8. I screamed when I saw the in the basement.
Definition: a flat, wormlike animal with many pairs of legs, the front pair of which are claw like and contain poison glands.
9. The crying of the baby began to after his diaper was changed.
Definition: come to an end; put an end to; stop.
10. We need mental and exercises to keep us healthy.
Definition: of the body.
11. The car was powered by energy.
Definition: of the sun.
12 A dish will not break.
Definition: a material that can be shaped when it is hot and will become hard when it cools.
13. I had a large of pizza for supper.
Definition: a thin, flat, broad piece.
14. Our dog Sam, found a at the beach.
Definition: a kind of shoe fastened to the foot by straps.
15. My feet are very .
Definition: containing or covered with tiny pieces of dirt.
16. We could see the clearly under the microscope.
Definition: a small piece of living matter, from which animals and plants are made.
17. Don't forget to the envelope.
Definition: close very tightly; fasten.
18. Make your from the three books.
Definition: the thing chosen.
19. He had a desire to help me.
Definition: honest; meaning what you say or do; not fooling.  
20. A has acrobats and clowns.
Definition: a show that travels from place to place.   



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