Spelling List 5-21
5-21 Spelling List
11. |
chill |
1. unpleasant coldness: feel a sudden chill.
2. unpleasantly cold. 3. make or become cold. 4. a
sudden coldness of the body with shivering: I caught a chill yesterday and today I
have a fever. 5. cold in manner; unfriendly: a chill greeting. |
12. |
charming |
very pleasant; able to charm. |
13. |
rancher |
person who owns, manages, or works on a ranch. |
14. |
champion |
1. person, animal, or thing that wins first place in a
game or contest. 2. that has won first place; ahead of all others. 3. person who fights or speaks for another; person who defends a cause. 4. fight for; speak in behalf of; defend: All his life he has championed
freedom. |
15. |
chuckle |
1. laugh to yourself. 2. a soft laugh; quiet
laughter. |
16. |
thrust |
1. push with force. 2. a push with force.
3. stab; pierce: thrust a knife into an apple. 4. a stab.
5. put forth; extend. 6. an attack. 7. the push
exerted by the rotation of a propeller, that causes a ship, airplane, etc., to move. |
17. |
shabby |
1. much worn: this old suit looks shabby. 2. wearing old or much worn clothes: a shabby beggar. 3. poor or
neglected; run-down: a shabby old house. 4. not generous; mean; unfair: a shabby way to treat a friend. |
18. |
thrill |
1. a shivering, excited feeling: I get a thrill
from seeing a parade. 2. have or give a shivering, excited feeling: The
story thrilled us. |
19. |
cheap |
1. costing little. 2. costing less than it
is worth. 3. charging low prices. 4. costing little effort; easily
obtained. 5. of little value; not worth respect; common: cheap jokes. |
20. |
thistle |
plant with a prickly stalk and leaves and usually with purple
flowers. |
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