Spelling List 5-2

5-2 Spelling Tip

Long a.
The sign for long a is /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/.
The long a is spelled ay in stay and gray.
The long a is spelled a + consonant + e in rake and bake.


Words Definitions
1. amaze to fill with wonder:  I was amazed at the display of inventions.
2. crayon a stick or pencil of colored chalk or wax for drawing or writing.
3. blade 1. the cutting part of a knife or scissors:  this knife has a very sharp blade.  2. a leaf of grass.  3. part of a propeller.
4. daytime the time during which there is daylight.
5. rename give a new name to; name again.
6. appreciate to value or admire something:  I appreciate all of the help you have given me.
7. grade 1. a class in school:  She is in third grade.  2. a number or letter that shows how well one has done:  Did you get a good grade on the test?  3. give a grade to:  We graded each other's papers.
8. pace 1. a step.  2. walk with regular steps:  The tiger paced up and down its cage.  3. walk over with regular steps:   pace the floor.  4. the length of a step in walking.  5. measure by paces.  6. way of stepping.  7. a particular pace of some horses in which the feet on the same side are lifted and put down together.  8.  move at a pace.  9. rate or speed.  10. set the pace for.
9. carnation a red, white, or pink flower.
10. braid 1. a band of hair formed by weaving hair together:  She liked to wear her hair in braids.  2. weave hair together:  Every morning Mother braids my hair.  3. a narrow band of material.  Braid is used to trim clothing and other things.