Spelling List 5-19

5-19 Spelling Tip

The ou diphthong is spelled ow at the end of a word in how and know.
The ou diphthong is spelled ou in the middle of a word in couch and sound.


Words Definitions
1. mountainous 1.  covered with mountain ranges:  mountainous country.  2.  huge:  a mountainous wave.
2. fellow a man or boy:  The old fellow sat on a bench.
3. growth 1.  process of growing; development.  2. amount grown; increase:  one year's growth.  3.  what has grown or is growing:  A thick growth of bushes covered the ground.  4.  an abnormal mass of tissue formed in or on the body.  A tumor is a growth.
4. counselor 1.  a person who gives advice; adviser.  2.  teacher appointed to advise students; adviser.  3.  lawyer.  4. instructor or leader in a summer camp.
5. owner one who owns.  Who is the owner of this dog?
6. ourselves our own selves.  We ourselves got the tickets for you.  We wiggled ourselves free from the ropes.
7. coward person who lacks courage or is easily made afraid; person who runs from danger, trouble, etc.
8. encourage 1.  give courage; increase the hope or confidence of; urge on:  the cheers of their schoolmates encouraged the players to try to win the game.  2.  be favorable to; help; support:  Sunlight encourages the growth of plants.
9. unknown 1.  not known; not familiar; strange:  Most of Antarctica was once unknown land.  2.  person or thing that is unknown: The diver descended into the unknown.
10. background 1.  the part of a picture or scene toward the back.   2.  surface upon which things are made or placed.  3.  earlier conditions or events that help to explain some later condition or event.  4. past experience, knowledge, or training.