
5-18 Spelling Test

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1. The water is in the pan.
Definition: sending up bubbles and giving off steam.
2. We planted the bulbs deep in the .
Definition: earth; dirt.
3. Her eyes began to with tears. 
Definition: make or become wet.
4. Vanilla ice cream was her .
Definition: the act of choosing.
5. The mouse was killed with .
Definition: substance very dangerous to life and health.
6. My little sister is very at school.
Definition: shy or modest; bashful.
7. The chicken is wrapped in aluminum .
Definition: metal beaten, hammered, or rolled into a very thin sheet.
8. The crown is a symbol of .
Definition: rank or dignify a king or queen.
9. Jill and Chris owned the book .
Definition: together; as partners.
10. He received his favorite book during his .
Definition: time of his youth.
11. The candy machine will accept only .
Definition: pieces of metal used as money, such as  pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters.
12 It is wise to the area near the accident.
Definition: keep away from; keep out of the way of.
13. Do not the environment.
Definition: break to pieces; spoil; make no good.
14. He has perfect and never seems nervous.
Definition: mental balance, composure, or self-possession.
15. The dog's fur was .
Definition: slightly wet; damp.
16. The queen is a member of the  family.
Definition: rank or dignify of a king or queen.
17. The children entered the gym .
Definition: in a loud manner.
18. The snake can  itself around the branch. 
Definition: wind around and around in a circular or spiral shape.
19. The new clinic will many doctors.
Definition: give work and pay to.
20. Christmas brings to many people.
Definition: pleasure; joy; delight.



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