Spelling List 5-16
5-16 Spelling List
11. |
plentiful |
more than enough; ample; abundant: a plentiful supply of
food. |
12. |
research |
1. the careful hunting for facts or truth; inquiry;
investigation: cancer research. 2. to hunt for facts or truth; inquire;
investigate. |
13. |
bracelet |
a band or chain usually worn on the arm. |
14. |
construction |
1. act of building; putting together: The
construction of the bridge took nearly a month. 2. way in which a thing is
constructed: Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction. |
15. |
description |
1. a telling in words how a person, place, thing, or
event looks or behaves; describing. kind; sort: I have seen no dog of any
description today. |
16. |
chosen |
take one instead of any other from a group: He had
chosen a chocolate chip cookie at the bakery. |
17. |
bloom |
1. a blossom. 2. have flowers: This
plant blooms often. |
18. |
creek |
a small stream of water; a brook. |
19. |
chamber |
1. a room; especially a bedroom. 2. hall
where lawmakers meet: the council chamber. 3. an enclosed space in the
body of an animal or plant, or in some kinds of machinery. The heart has four
chambers. |
20. |
purchase |
1. get by paying a price; buy: We purchased a new
car. 2. a buying: the purchase of a new car. 3. thing
bought: That hat was a good purchase. |
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