
5-14 Spelling List

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Spelling List 5-14

5-14 Spelling Tip

The Schwa_R.gif (877 bytes) sound.
The Schwa_R.gif (877 bytes) sound is spelled ar in dollar and afterwards.
The Schwa_R.gif (877 bytes) sound is spelled er in player and dancer.
The Schwa_R.gif (877 bytes) sound is spelled or in color and honor.
The Schwa_R.gif (877 bytes) sound is spelled ure in picture and furniture.


Words Definitions
1. dollar a large silver coin or a paper bill of United States or Canadian money; $1.
2. afterwards later:  Afterwards I regretted what I had said.
3. upper higher; the upper lip, the upper floors of an office building.
4. dancer 1.  person who dances.  2.  person whose occupation is dancing.
5. hunter a person who hunts.
6. honor 1.  credit for acting well; glory, fame, or reputation; good name:  It was greatly to her honor to be given the award.  2.  respect highly; think highly of.  3.  give an honor to; favor: be honored by a royal visit.
7. capture 1.  make a prisoner of; take by force, skill, or trickery; seize:  We captured butterflies with a net.  2.  person or thing taken in this way:  Captain Jones first capture was an enemy ship. 
8. furniture things used in a house.  Chairs, tables, beds, and dressers are pieces of furniture.
9. butter 1.  the yellow food formed by churning cream.  2. put butter on:  Please butter this cracker for me.  3.  something like butter:  Peanut butter is good on bread.
10. performer person who performs, especially one who performs for the entertainment of others.

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