Spelling List 5-13
5-13 Spelling List
11. |
serious |
1. thoughtful; not joking: Dad had a serious look
on his face. 2. important: A mistake in counting money could be serious. |
12. |
examine |
1. look at closely and carefully: The doctor
examined the wound. 2. test the knowledge or qualifications of; ask questions
of; test: The lawyer examined the witness. |
13. |
hidden |
out of sight; secret; not clear: The boys hoped to find
the hidden caves. |
14. |
fertile |
1. able to bear seeds, fruit, young, etc: a
fertile animal or plant. 2. able to develop into a new individual; fertilized:
Chicks hatch from fertile eggs. |
15. |
political |
1. of or concerned with politics. 2. having
to do with citizens or government. 3. of politicians or their methods: a
political party. |
16. |
approach |
come near or nearer to: Slow down as you approach the
river. Summer is approaching. |
17. |
example |
one thing taken to show what the others are like or should be
like: Her sister is an example of a good worker. |
18. |
tomorrow |
the day after today. |
19. |
fragile |
easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate; frail:
Be careful; that thin glass is fragile. |
20. |
traveler |
one who travels from one place to another: The traveler
went around the world by train. |
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