Spelling List 5-12
5-12 Spelling List
11. |
true |
agreeing with the facts; correct; not made up or make-believe:
This is a true story. |
12. |
attitude |
way of thinking, acting, or feeling: She has a very good
attitude toward her friends and family. |
13. |
superhuman |
1. above or beyond what is human: superhuman
beings. 2. above or beyond ordinary human power, experience, etc. |
14. |
fulcrum |
the thing on which a lever moves as it lifts something. |
15. |
canoe |
a light boat moved with paddles. |
16. |
issue |
something sent out: The last issue of our weekly paper
is sold out. This is the third issue of the magazine. |
17. |
juice |
the liquid part of fruit or vegetable or meat. |
18. |
ruin |
1. very great damage. 2. condition of
destruction, decay or downfall: The house had gone to ruin from neglect. |
19. |
assumed |
false; not real; pretended: an assumed name. |
20. |
cube |
a block with six square faces, or sides, all of equal size. |
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