Spelling List 5-11
5-11 Spelling List
11. |
council |
a group of people chosen to settle any questions or to manage
a city. |
12. |
occupied |
1. take up; fill: The building occupies an entire
bock. 2. keep busy; engage; employ: Composing music occupied her time. |
13. |
newscast |
a radio or television broadcast. |
14. |
zoologist |
an expert in zoology; the science of animals. |
15. |
rooster |
a male chicken. |
16. |
scooter |
a vehicle with two wheels, moved by pushing one foot against
the ground. Some scooters have motors. |
17. |
sewer |
a drain under the ground to carry off waste. |
18. |
hook |
1. a piece of metal, wood, or other stiff material,
curved or bent, for hanging things on. 2. catch or take hold of with a hook.
3. fasten with hooks: Hook your tie to your collar. 4.
bent piece of wire for catching fish. |
19. |
hooves |
the hard part of the feet of some animals. |
20. |
roost |
1. bar, pole, or perch on which birds rest or sleep.
2. sit as birds do on a roost; settle for the night; 3. place for
birds to rest or sleep. 4. place to rest or stay in: a robber's roost in
the mountains. |
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