Spelling List 5-10

5-10 Spelling Tip

Curve_O.gif (884 bytes) words.
The Curve_O.gif (884 bytes) sound is spelled augh in caught and daughter.
The Curve_O.gif (884 bytes) sound is spelled ough in cough and ought.
The Curve_O.gif (884 bytes) sound is spelled oa in broad.


Words Definitions
1. caught past tense of catch.  I caught the ball.  The mouse was caught in a trap.
2. rough 1.  not smooth; not level; not even:  rough boards, the rough bark of an oak tree, a rough, rocky hill.  2.  stormy:  rough weather, a rough sea.
3. broad 1.  large across; wide:  a broad road.  2. having wide range; extensive:  Our librarian has had broad experience with books.  3.  not limited or narrow; of wide range; liberal.  4. including only the most important parts; not detailed; general.  5. clear; full:  The theft was made in broad daylight.  6. plain; plain-spoken:
4. dinosaur any of a group of extinct reptiles that dominated the earth many millions of years ago.  Dinosaurs walked on two or four feet.  Some dinosaurs were bigger than elephants; others were smaller than cats.
5. dangerous likely to cause harm; not safe; risky:  Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous.
6. wound past tense of wind.  I wound the yarn into a ball.   
7. bought past tense of buy.  We bought apples at the market.  I have bought a new pen.
8. fought past tense of fight:  They fought for their rights.
9. thought 1.  what one thinks; idea; notion.  2. thinking.  3.  care; attention; regard:  Show some thought for others than yourself.  4.  intention:  5.  a little bit; trifle:  Be a thought more polite.  6.  the characteristic thinking of a particular person, time, or place: 20th-century scientific thought.  7. past tense of think.
10. account 1.  statement telling in detail about an event or thing; explanation.  2.  value; worth:  This torn notebook is of little account. 3.  statement of money received and spent.  4. record of business dealings.  5.  statement of money due: