Spelling List 4-9
4-9 Spelling List
11. |
garbage |
scraps of food to be thrown away. |
12. |
strange |
1. not common; unusual; queer: I heard a strange
noise in the other room. 2. not known, seen, or heard before: A strange dog
sat on our porch. |
13. |
lodge |
a house or shelter: The men stayed at the lodge during
their vacation. |
14. |
jail |
a place where people are kept to punish them. |
15. |
jolly |
merry; very cheerful. |
16. |
stranger |
a person not known; someone never seen before: Who is
that stranger? |
17. |
garage |
1. a place for keeping cars. 2. a building
in which cars are repaired. |
18. |
ledge |
the flat, edge of something: The mountain climber sat on
the ledge to rest. |
19. |
January |
the first month of the year. It has 31 days. |
20. |
fudge |
soft creamy candy made from sugar, milk, butter and other
flavoring. |
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