Spelling List 4-6
4-6 Spelling List
11. |
celery |
a plant. Its long green or white stalks are eaten as a
vegetable. |
12. |
sir |
a title that shows respect to a man. |
13. |
skill |
being able to do something well after practicing for a long
time: It takes skill to play the piano. |
14. |
syrup |
a sauce to put on food; maple syrup, chocolate syrup. |
15. |
silly |
without good sense; without making any sense:
Those kids are acting silly. |
16. |
silk |
1. a fine, soft thread spun by a certain kind of worm.
2. cloth made from it. 3. of or like silk: She used silk
thread. |
17. |
skunk |
a small black animal with a bushy tail and white stripes along
its back. |
18. |
cereal |
1. any grain that is used as food. Wheat, rice,
and corn are cereals. 2. food made from the grain. Oatmeal and corn meal
are cereals. |
19. |
sleeve |
the part of a shirt, coat, dress, or sweater that covers your
arm. |
20. |
simple |
1. easy to do or understand: She learned to
play a simple song on the piano. 2. not fancy; without anything extra: a
simple lunch. |
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