
4-6 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-6

4-6 Spelling Tip

The s sound.
The s sound can be spelled with an s and a c.
The s sound is spelled with an s in sauce and soup.
The s sound is spelled with a c in circus and decide.


Words Definitions
1. saucer a small, flat dish with its edge curved up.  A saucer is used to hold a cup.
2. suitcase a case or bag to hold or carry clothes.
3. circus a show that travels from place to place.  A circus has acrobats and clown.
4. decide settle or agree on something:  We decided to stay home.
5. cider a drink made from the juice squeezed from apples:  Cider tastes good with doughnuts.
6. bicycle a vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other.  You ride it by pushing two pedals.
7. sour having a taste like vinegar or lemon juice: These pickles are sour.
8. sister a girl with the same parents as another.
9. eraser a tool used to rub out or to erase marks made with a pen or pencil.
10. sidewalk a place to walk at the side of a street.

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