Spelling List 4-4

4-4 Spelling Tip

The k sound.
The k sound is spelled with a k, c, or a ck.
The k sound is spelled k in kick and kite.
The k sound is spelled c in cotton and caught.
The k sound is spelled ck in chicken.


Words Definitions
1. kick 1.  strike out with the foot:  The baby likes to kick his feet.  2.  strike something with the foot.  3. a blow with the foot:  She gave the door a kick.
2. cage a frame or place closed in with wire or bars.  Wild animals are kept in cages.
3. catsup a thick sauce made of tomatoes and spices.  Try some catsup on your hamburger.
4. color 1. red, yellow, blue, or any of them mixed together: I have eight colors in my paint box.  2.  give color to; paint.  Color the sky blue and the grass green.
5. chicken 1.  a young hen or rooster.  2.  meat from a chicken:  We had chicken for dinner.
6. lick pass the tongue over or lap up with the tongue:  The kitten licked its paw.
7. colt a young horse or donkey.
8. trick 1. something done to play a joke on or to surprise: Ringing the bell was a trick to get me outside.  2.  an act of skill: The magician did tricks with cards.  3. play a trick on:  You tricked me into telling the secret.
9. cabin 1.  a small house: a log cabin.  2.  a place for passengers in an airplane or ship.
10. kitchen a room where food is prepared.