Spelling List 4-4
4-4 Spelling List
11. |
kingdom |
the land ruled by a king or queen. |
12. |
kid |
1. a young goat. 2. a child. |
13. |
kangaroo |
an animal living in Australia, that carries its
young in a pouch. |
14. |
bike |
a vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other. You ride it by pushing two pedals. |
15. |
cactus |
a desert plant with thorns. There are many
kinds of cactus in the desert. |
16. |
cabbage |
a plant. Its leaves are folded into a round
head. The head is eaten as a vegetable. |
17. |
kettle |
a metal pot. |
18. |
calendar |
a table or chart showing the months, weeks, and
days of the year. |
19. |
kiss |
1. touch with the lips as a sign of love or
respect. 2. a touch with the lips as a sign of love or respect. |
20. |
picnic |
a party with a meal outdoors. |
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