
4-36 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-36

4-36 Spelling List


11. thief someone who steals:  The thief robbed the bank.
12. thankful well pleased, very pleased.  We are thankful for the nice weather.
13. thrush a bird that sings.
14. thread 1.  cotton or silk spun out into a fine cord.  You sew with thread.  2.  pass a thread through:  She threaded the needle.  3. something long and thin like a thread:  The spider hung by a thread.
15. wealthy having an abundance; having wealth:  The king and queen are very wealthy.
16. thump a blow or a knock causing a dull sound: I heard a thump in the basement.
17. thousandth 1.  next after the 999th.  2.  one of 1000 equal parts.
18. feather one of the light, thin objects that cover a bird's skin.
19. throat the front of the neck; the part through which air goes to your lungs and food goes to your stomach.
20. throne the chair on which a king or queen sits.

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