
4-35 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-35

4-35 Spelling List


11. shuffle 1.  an act of shuffling (as of cards):  Dad will shuffle the cards for me.  2. to move about, back and forth or from one place to another:  The little boy shuffled in church.
12. shock surprise, terror, horror or disgust:  I was shocked by the behavior of the child.
13. shaggy covered with a thick mass of hair or fur:  He has a shaggy dog.
14. shove to push along: I will shove the heavy grocery cart for you.
15. shipmate a fellow sailor. 
16. shoelace a cord for fastening a shoe.
17. shift to change the place, position or direction of:  I shifted in my seat during the long movie.
18. shrug 1.  raise the shoulders to show doubt: He shrugged when we asked for directions.  2. raising the shoulders in this way:  She replied with a shrug.
19. shimmer to shine with a soft light:  The light from the moon shimmered on the water.
20. shark any of a group of large fierce fishes.

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