Spelling List 4-31

4-31 Spelling Tip

A plural word means more than one.
We can add -s to a word to make it plural.
words are cats, dogs, apples, and forests.


Words Definitions
1. cradles more than one cradle.  A cradle is a baby's crib; usually one that rocks.
2. easels more than one easel.  An easel is a stand for holding a picture.
3. hornets more than one hornet.  A hornet is a large insect, like a wasp, that can sting.
4. Indians more than one Indian.  An Indian is one of the first people living in a country in America.
5. hamburgers more than one hamburger.  1.  ground beef shaped into flat cakes.  2.  a sandwich made with hamburger.
6. departments more than one department.  A department is a separate part of some store, government, or business.
7. languages more than one language.  A language is human speech, spoken or written.
8. cushions more than one cushion.  A cushion is a soft pillow or pad for a bed or chair, used to sit, lie, or kneel on.
9. librarians more than one librarian.  A librarian is a person who has been trained to work in a library.
10. melons more than one melon.  A melon is a large fruit, with lots of juice, that grows on a vine.