
4-30 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-30

4-30 Spelling Tip

Vowel plus r sound.
The ear, or, and ir sounds are in the words earth, worm, and birth.


Words Definitions
1. earthquake a shaking or trembling of the earth that is caused by volcano or plate tectonic movements.
2. worm a small, thin, crawling or creeping animal.
3. labor mental or physical effort:  The men labored hard while building the new highway.
4. nearly not far in time or place; almost happening:  I am nearly ready to go with you.
5. horrible extremely unpleasant:  I saw a horrible accident.
6. ignore pay no attention to; disregard.
7. whirl turn or swing round and round; spin:  The airplane propeller whirled when the pilot turned on the engine.
8. tailor a person who fits someone with clothes: The tailor fixed dad's suit just in time for the wedding.
9. mirror a glass in which you see yourself.
10. tortilla a thin cake, usually made of corn meal and eaten hot.  A tortilla is often filled with cheese or meat.

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