Spelling List 4-3

4-3 Spelling Tip

Vowel combination ie.
The vowel combination ie usually spells the /LongE.gif (859 bytes)/ sound.
The vowel combination ie is in the words field, niece, and friend.


Words Definitions
1. field 1.  land used for crops or pasture.  2.  land for a special use: a baseball field.  3. in baseball, stop a batted ball and throw it quickly.
2. niece a daughter of your brother or your sister.
3. friend a person who knows and likes you.
4. view 1. the act of seeing:  It was her first view of the city.  2.  see; look at.  3. the thing seen: The view of the lake is beautiful.  4.  a way of looking at or thinking about something:  Children have different views of school.
5. fierce wild:  A fierce lion roared.
6. brief a short amount of time:  She visited for a brief time.
7. piece one of the parts into which a thing is divided or broken; a bit or scrap; a single thing:  Put a piece of wood on the fire.
8. achieve to carry out successfully; to finish:  He will achieve his goal at the end.
9. friendly a person who is friendly or cooperative.
10. retriever a dog that is trained to help a hunter.