Spelling List 4-29

4-29 Spelling Tip

Vowel plus r.
The ur and er sounds are in purple, turkey, earth, and perfect.


Words Definitions
1. herb a kind of plant with leaves, stems, or roots that are used for medicine or to season food.  Mint is a herb.
2. turkey a large American bird raised for food.
3. period 1.  a length of time.  2.  a dot (.) marking the end of most sentences or of an abbreviation.
4. permission the act of permitting someone to do something:  Our parents permit us to stay up late on Friday night.
5. furnish to supply with something that is needed:  She needed to furnish her new apartment.
6. rural of the country:  Rural life in not like city life.
7. terrier a small dog with a loud bark.  A terrier makes a good watch dog.
8. nervous easily excited or upset.
9. turquoise 1.  a sky-blue or green-blue stone:  Mom has a turquoise in her ring.  2.  green-blue:  She wore a turquoise sweater.
10. verse 1.  a poem or some lines of words that rhyme and have accents at the same place in each line.  2.  one part of a poem or song: This song has two verses.