Spelling List 4-29
4-29 Spelling List
11. |
purse |
a small bag for money: Mom got a new purse at the store. |
12. |
hurrah |
a shout of joy. |
13. |
curious |
a desire to investigate or learn: The puppy was curious
about everything. |
14. |
service |
1. being useful or helpful to others: May I be of
service? 2. The service can mean the army, navy,
air force,
marines, or the Coast Guard: Dad was in the service for two years. |
15. |
territory |
land belonging to a government. Alaska was a territory
before it became a state. |
16. |
permanent |
1. meant to last: The dentist put a permanent
filling in my tooth. 2. curls or waves put into the hair to stay for a
long time: Her permanent is very pretty. |
17. |
burrow |
1. a hole in the ground made by an animal (such as a
rabbit) for shelter: The dog sniffed at the burrow in the ground. 2. to
dig: The rabbit began to burrow deeper into the earth. |
18. |
turnip |
a plant. Its large round root and sometimes its leaves
are eaten as vegetables. |
19. |
furnace |
a box in which a fire is made to melt iron, make glass, or
heat a building. |
20. |
heron |
a bird that lives near the water. |
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