Spelling List 4-28
4-28 Spelling List
11. |
apartment |
a group of rooms to live in: There are ten apartments in
our building. |
12. |
millionth |
one of 1,000,000 equal parts. |
13. |
hopeful |
full of hope. |
14. |
bakery |
a baker's shop; a place where bread and cakes are made or
sold. |
15. |
musician |
a person who sings or plays a musical instrument. |
16. |
operator |
a person who runs something or makes something work: He
is a telephone operator. |
17. |
sadness |
unhappy; filled with sorrow. |
18. |
watchful |
wide awake: watching carefully: The dog was watchful
even when lying down. |
19. |
musical |
of music; sounding like music. |
20. |
American |
1. of or belonging to the United States: The
American flag is red, white, and blue. 2. a citizen of the United States.
3. a person born or living in North or South America. |
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