
4-27 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-27

4-27 Spelling Tip

Word endings are also called suffixes.
Some suffixes are -ly, -ing, -ed, -er, and -est.
Words with suffixes are happily, beginning, forgetting, harder, and fastest.


Words Definitions
1. coarser not fine; made up of somewhat large parts of grains: This sand is much coarser than that.
2. beginning 1.  the first part of something such as a book.  2. the time when anything starts:  Can you be here at the beginning of the program?
3. equally in equal shares; in an equal way:  The two pictures are equally good.
4. faintly in a faint or weak manner; far away:  The voice was heard faintly inside the cave.
5. lovely beautiful; good:  What lovely manners!  She is a lovely girl.
6. conducted 1. the way someone behaves:  He conducted himself very well on the playground.  2.  manage; direct:  He conducted the orchestra.  3.  guide or lead:  She conducted us on a trip through the building.
7. heavily in a heavy way or manner:  The tired woman walked heavily.
8. previously earlier:  I did the math previously in second grade.
9. closely with no difference; near:  The puppy closely followed its master.
10. transporting carry from one place to another.

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