Spelling List 4-26

4-26 Spelling Tip

Word endings are also called suffixes.
To add a suffix to a word ending in y, change the y to i before adding the suffix.
fry - fried
lazy - laziest
happy - happily


Words Definitions
1. fried cook in hot fat:  He fried the hamburger.
2. craziest having a sick mind.
3. friskier fond of playing; full of life.  The puppy is friskier than her mom.
4. rosiest rosy red:  The little girl's cheeks are the rosiest of all the children.
5. buried put in the ground.
6. windiest having much wind.
7. satisfied give enough to:  Are you satisfied with your lunch?
8. dried not wet; not damp:  She dried her feet with a towel.
9. carried take from one place to another.
10. easiest not hard to do or understand:  This is the easiest test of all!