Spelling List 4-21
4-21 Spelling List
11. |
their |
of them; belonging to them: The raised their heads as we
passed. The like their new sister. |
12. |
there |
at that place: Sit there. There is my hat. |
13. |
pale |
1. without much color: When you are ill, your face
is often pale. 2. not bright; dim. |
14. |
pail |
a deep, round container, with a handle, for carrying liquids. |
15. |
pear |
1. a sweet fruit rounded at one end. 2. the
tree it grows on. |
16. |
pair |
1. a set of two; two things that go together: a
pair of shoes. 2. a thing with two parts that can't be used separately:
a pair of scissors. |
17. |
stairs |
one of a group of steps for going from one level or floor to
another: He went up the stairs fast. |
18. |
stares |
a long look. He stares at the TV for hours and hours. |
19. |
tail |
1. the part of an animal's body farthest from its head.
2. anything like a tail: a kite tail. |
20. |
tale |
1. a story; a fairy tale. 2. a lie. 3.
Tell tales often means tell something you shouldn't. |
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