
4-21 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-21

4-21 Spelling Tip

Words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings are called homophones.
Some homophones are brake and break, steal and steel, and seen and scene.


Words Definitions
1. brakes anything used to stop or slow something down:  Bicycles and cars use brakes.
2. breaks come apart; burst:  The water balloon breaks as soon as it hits the ground.
3. steal take something that does not belong to you and keep it.
4. steel 1. iron made very hard and strong.  Most hammers are made of steel. 2. made of steel:  An engine has many steel parts.
5. road a way on which to go from one place to another:  Take this road to the city.
6. rode 1.  sit on something and make it go: I rode my bike to school.  2.  be carried along:  I rode on the train.
7. stake a pointed piece of wood or other material driven into the ground and used to mark something:  The stakes marked the outline of the new house.
8. steak a slice of meat, specially beef.
9. die 1.  stop living; become dead.  2.  lose force; come to an end:  The noise died away.
10. dye to change to a different color.  Mom will dye my sweater blue.

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