Spelling List 4-20

4-20 Spelling List


11. fighter 1. one that fights.  2.  an airplane of high speed and able to maneuver to destroy enemy aircraft.
12. light bulb an incandescent lamp.
13. might 1. be possible that it will.  It might rain tomorrow.   2.  great power: Pull with all your might.
14. frighten cause fright; make afraid: Does a storm frighten you?
15. flight 1.  act or manner of flying:  the flight of a bird.   2.  a ride in an airplane.  3.  from one landing of one story of a building to the next:  We live one flight up.  4. running away; except: Their flight from jail was soon discovered.
16. lightning a flash of electricity in the sky.
17. delightful highly pleasing:  We went to a delightful movie.
18. fight 1.  a struggle or contest.  2.  a quarrel.   3.  take part in a struggle or quarrel.
19. tighten to make tight or tighter.
20. sightseer to go about seeing sights of interest:  There were many sightseers at the museum.