Spelling List 4-18
4-18 Spelling List
11. |
stoop |
bend forward: She stooped to pick up the money. |
12. |
swoop |
come down rapidly; plunge down upon something: The kite
swooped and hit a tree. |
13. |
smoothly |
in a smooth and even manner. The engine ran smoothly. |
14. |
moose |
a large animal with antlers. |
15. |
loosen |
untie, let go, undo. |
16. |
balloon |
1. a toy; a brightly colored rubber bag that is filled
with air. 2. a kind of aircraft; a large bag filled with some gas that makes
it float in the air. |
17. |
threw |
make something move through the air by the force of the arm:
He threw the paper to me. |
18. |
toothpaste |
a very thick liquid used to clean your teeth. |
19. |
smooth |
1. having an even surface without lumps: a smooth
stone, a smooth lake, a smooth road. 2. make even and flat: take out wrinkles
and lumps: She smoothed the towels. |
20. |
booth |
1. a place at a fair or market where things are sold.
2. a small closed place: a telephone booth. |
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