
4-16 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-16

4-16 Spelling Tip

Double consonants.
Look for double consonants in the words matter, slippers and button.


Words Definitions
1. bulldog a heavily built dog with a large head.
2. slippers a light, soft shoe:  house slippers, dancing slippers.
3. funnel 1. a kind of cup, open at the bottom and used to pour liquid, powder, or grain into a small hole such as the neck of a bottle.  2. the chimney on a ship.
4. copper 1.  a somewhat red metal.  2.  make of copper:   a copper kettle.
5. snapper any of a large family of active flesh-eating fishes of warm seas that are important as food and sport fishes.
6. gallon a measure for liquids.  A gallon of milk is equal to four quarts.
7. disappear 1.  pass out of sight:  The ship disappeared in the fog.  2.  be gone or lost:  Snow disappears in spring.
8. lesson something to be learned or taught.
9. comma a mark (,) of punctuation.
10. bluff a high, steep band or cliff.

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