Spelling List 4-15

4-15 Spelling Tip

Words with ei.
Words with ei in them usually spell the /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/ sound.
Words with ei that spell the  /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/ sound are neighbor, vein, and eight.
Words with ei that do not spell the /LongA.gif (864 bytes)/ sound are weird and height.


Words Definitions
1. neighbor someone who lives nearby.
2. vein a blood vessel.
3. eighth next after the seventh; 8th.  One of 8 equal parts.
4. weird strange.
5. height the distance from the bottom to the top of something standing upright:  Do you know the height of that boy?
6. eighteenth 1. next after the seventeenth; 18th.  2.  one of 18 equal parts.
7. neither not either:  Neither you nor I should be late for school.   Neither sentence is true.
8. receive get or be given something:  How many presents did you receive?
9. unveil to remove a veil or covering from; to make public:  They unveiled the plans for the new building.
10. weigh find out how heavy a thing is:  I often weigh myself.  How much do you weigh?