
4-14 Spelling Test

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1. We many fish yesterday.
Definition: the act of catching.
2. Our teacher has one .
Definition: a girl who is the child of her father and mother.
3. it seemed expensive, we bought it anyway.
Definition: in spite of the fact that.
4. Did you at the joke?
Definition: the sounds you make when you hear or see something funny.
5. The tree bark is very .
Definition: not smooth.
6. I have just money for lunch.
Definition: as much or as many as you need.
7. We need to our messy desks.
Definition: put in proper order.
8. Lindsay me a new book.
Definition: get by paying some money. 
9. The room was filled with .
Definition: the sounds of giggling or chuckling.
10. She is always very of her friends.
Definition: careful of others.
11. The chapter two math test was very .
Definition: very hard; difficult to do.
12 My favorite kind of is chocolate.
Definition: a small, sweet cake in the shape of a ring.
13. My best friend and I over it.
Definition: take part in a struggle or a quarrel.
14. Our new puppy is very .
Definition: not good; not doing what you ought to do.
15. Sally a treat for all of us.
Definition: come with something from another place.
16. You to do your homework every night.
Definition: be expected.
17. Grandpa looked at me in a way.
Definition: in a kind or friendly way.
18. I had a great last night.
Definition: what someone thinks; thinking about something.
19. The state of Texas is in the middle of a .
Definition: a period of dryness.
20. Steve hung the birdhouse on the of the tree.
Definition: a branch of a tree.



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