
4-14 Spelling List

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Spelling List 4-14

4-14 Spelling Tip

The gh sound.
The gh sound can be silent or the gh sound can sound like an f.
The gh sound is silent in caught, daughter, and though.
The gh sounds like an f in laugh, rough, and enough.


Words Definitions
1. caught the act of catching: He caught more fish than I did.
2. daughter a girl who is the child of her father and mother:  Mr. and Mrs. Jones have three daughters.
3. though in spite of the fact that:  Though it looked like rain, we started on our hike.
4. laugh 1.  the sounds you make when you hear or see something funny;  Bert had a loud laugh.  2.  make those sounds.  We laughed at the funny story.
5. rough not smooth.  The tree trunk was very rough.
6. enough as much or as many as you need:  Do you have enough money to go to the movie?
7. straighten 1.  make straight:  He straightened the bent pin.   2. put in proper order:  Straighten up your room.
8. bought get by paying some money.  She has bought a pair of shoes.
9. laughter the sounds of giggling or chuckling.
10. thoughtful 1.  full of thought; thinking:  He was thoughtful for a while and then he laughed.  2.  careful of others:  She is always thoughtful of her friends.

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