Spelling List 4-12

4-12 Spelling Tip

Ou words.
The ou vowel sound is in the words cloud, sound, and found.


Words Definitions
1. cloud 1. a white or gray mass in the sky, made up of tiny drops of water.  2.  a mass of dust or smoke:  The wind blew a cloud of dust across the field.
2. southward toward the south.
3. mound a heap of earth or stones.
4. grouch a person who complains or is in a bad mood most of the time.
5. ounce 1.  a measure for dry material.  Sixteen ounces equal one pound.  2. a measure for liquids.  Sixteen ounces equal one pint.
6. amount a sum:  No amount of coaxing would make Mother change her mind.
7. ourselves Our own selves:  We ourselves got the tickets for you.  We wiggled ourselves free from the ropes.
8. pouch 1. a bag or sack:  The  mail carrier's pouch was full of letters.  2.  a fold of skin that is like a bag:  kangaroos and koalas carry their young in pouches.
9. southeast halfway between the south and east.
10. pound 1.  a measure of weight.  Sixteen ounces are equal to one pound.  2.  strike or beat something heavily again and again.