Spelling List 4-11

4-11 Spelling List


11. lawmaker one who makes the laws.
12. awfully 1.  terrible: Her broken arm hurt awfully.  2. very:  I'm awfully sorry I broke your mirror.
13. bawl to cry out loudly.  The baby began to bawl when his bottle was empty.
14. awl a pointed tool used for making holes in wood or leather.  Dad put another hole in my belt with the awl.
15. lawnmower a machine used to cut grass.
16. awning a roof-like cover extending over or in front of something to keep out the sun:  The awning over the window kept the sun out of our eyes.
17. lawyer a person who studies and knows the laws and gives advice about the law.
18. lawns pieces of land covered with grass.  The neighbors' lawns were very green.
19. tawny a warm sandy color.  The boy painted the fence a tawny color.
20. awful 1.  causing fear:  an awful storm, the awful power of a hurricane.  2.  very bad: an awful fall.