Spelling List 3-9
3-9 Spelling Tip
Long a.
The sign for long a
is / /.
The long a sound is spelled ay in stay and today.
The long a sound is spelled a-e in safe and trade.
The long a sound is spelled ai in mail and trail.
The long a sound is spelled eigh in eight.
The long a sound is spelled ea in break and steak. |
Words |
Definitions |
1. |
great |
1. big; large: a great cloud. 2. more
than usual: in great pain. 3. important: a great artist. |
2. |
away |
1. from a place: Stay away from the street.
2. at a distance: The rabbit was far away from home. 3.
gone: Our teacher is away today. |
3. |
later |
after the usual time |
4. |
because |
for the reason that; since: Pat called us in because
supper was ready. |
5. |
contain |
1. have within itself; hold inside: This box
contains soap. 2. be equal to: A quart contains two pints. |
6. |
explain |
1. make plain or clear: Our teacher explains the
hard math problems. 2. give reasons for: Can somebody explain why she
laughed at me? |
7. |
able |
having power: Some animals are able to see well in the
dark. |
8. |
phrase |
a small group of words: That was a short phrase, not a
sentence. |
9. |
case |
1. some special state or time: In case of fire,
walk to the door. 2. something that holds or covers: Put your glasses in
this case. 3. a box: There is a case of paper in the store room. |
10. |
nation |
a group of people in the same country, having the same
government, and usually speaking the same language. |
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