Spelling List 3-8

3-8 Spelling List


11. brush 1.  a tool made of coarse hairs, bristles, or wire, set in a stiff back and fastened to a handle.  2.  clean, rub, or paint with a brush; use a brush on:  Brush your teeth.  3.  bushes and small trees growing in the woods.
12. just 1.  right; fair.  2. exactly: The apples weighed just a pound.  3.  a very little while ago:  He just came back from vacation.  4.  only:  he is just going to the corner.
13. mud 1. a mixture of dirt and water.
14. must be forced to:  You must eat the right food.  I must go now.
15. suddenly in a sudden way; without warning:  Suddenly she screamed.
16. subject something thought about or talked about or studied: I study reading and other subjects.  The subject of his speech was books.
17. sum 1.  all or a certain number of things put together: I saved the sum of ten dollars.  2. two or more numbers or things added together:  The sum of 7 and 12 and 2 is 21.
18. suggest bring a thought or plan to your mind:  He suggested a hike, and we agreed.  Hot weather suggests swimming.
19. sugar a sweet material made from a certain kind of cane or from a certain kind of beet.
20. summer 1.  the season of the year between spring and autumn or fall.  2. of summer; for summer; summer days, summer clothes.