Spelling List 3-8

3-8 Spelling Tip

Short u.
The sign for short u is /ShortU.gif (895 bytes)/.
The short u sound is in up, cup and such.
The short u sound is in oo in wood and stood.


Words Definitions
1. suffix a syllable put at the end of a word to change its meaning.  The suffix ly changes bad to badly.
2. substance the material from which something is made of:  The dress is made of cotton.
3. subtract take away:  Subtract 3 from 12 and you have 9.
4. multiply take a number a certain number of times.  To multiply 5 by 2 you take 5 two times, and get 10.
5. multiplication the act or process of multiplying
6. muscles one of the parts of your body that  make it move: Can you feel the muscles in your arm?
7. public having something to do with the people; belonging to the people:  Public libraries and public schools are open to all the people.
8. discuss to talk about: Mom and dad will discuss it after supper.
9. function how something works:  I will check to see how the machine functions.
10. hungry feeling a need for food:   The girls are hungry.