Spelling List 3-6

3-6 Spelling Tip

Short e.
The sign for short e is /ShortE.gif (878 bytes)/.
The short e sound is in end, held, and help.


Words Definitions
1. nest a thing shaped like a bowl, built of sticks, straw, and other material.  Birds build nests in which to lay their eggs.
2. held 1. take or pick up and keep:  He held the suitcase for me.  She held my jacket while I put on my boots.  2. the act of holding:  I took a good hold of the knob and pulled.  3. keep back: He held his laughter.  4.  contain:  This carton holds books.
3. help 1.  give or do what is needed or useful: Help Dad with the garden.  2.  the act of helping:  I need some help.  3. make better:  The medicine helped my cold.
4. dress 1.  a piece of clothing worn by women and girls.  2. Put clothes on:  He can dress himself.  3.  Make ready for use or to cook:  Grandma dressed the turkey.  4.  clean and cover a wound.
5. chest 1.  the top, front part of your body.  2.  a large box with a lid:  a tool chest.
6. when 1.  at what time:  When does the show begin:   2.  at the time that:  Stop singing when the music stops.  3. at any time that:  We always laughed when the clown fell down.
7. letter 1.  a mark or sign that stand for any one of the sounds that make up words.  There are 26 letters in our alphabet.  2.  a written message: He wrote his grandmother a letter.
8. very much; more than usual:  The wind is very cold.
9. tell 1. put in words;  say:  Tell us a story.   2.  know: I can't tell who it is.  3.  order; command: I told you what to  do.
10. even 1. level, flat, smooth:  Are the edges of the paper even?  2.  at the same level:  The top of the tree is even with the roof.   3.  equal; no more nor less than:  They divided the apple in even pieces.   4. that can be divided by two without a remainder:  Two is an even number.  Three is an odd number.