
3-6 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-6

3-6 Spelling List


11. men 1. more than one man:  Boys grow up to be men.   2. human beings;  persons: Men, animals and plants need food.
12. spell 1.  write or say the letters of a word in order:  I had to spell "cat" for my sister.  2.  a group of words supposed to have magic power:  The witch's spell turned the girls into frogs.  3.  a period of time:  We had a spell of rainy weather in April.
13. every each:  Every child should have a box of crayons.
14. last 1. coming after all others:  Z is the last letter in the alphabet.  2. after all others:  He was last in line.  3. hold out: continue:  Do you think our money will last until the end of our trip?  The movie lasted three hours.
15. left the opposite of right: He writes with his left hand.
16. examples one thing taken to show what the others are like or should be like:  Her sister is an example of a good worker.  He is a good example to follow
17. often many times: It often snows in January.  We have been here often.
18. next 1. nearest: The girl next to me is taller than I am.   2.  following at once:  The next bus.  The next month after March is April.
19. let not stop someone or something from doing something:  She let the kitten play by itself.  I had let him go yesterday.  Will your parents let you stay?
20. question a thing asked to find out something:  A teacher asks questions.

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