11. |
answer |
1. speak or act after someone asks a question or wants
something: He didn't answer my question. Answer the door. 2. words
or action after someone asks a question: Her answer was "no." A
smile was her answer. 3. words or action to end a problem or a puzzle:
What is the correct answer to this puzzle? |
12. |
American |
1. of or belonging to the United States: The
American flag is red, white, and blue. 2. a citizen of the United States.
3. a person born or living in North or South America. |
13. |
began |
1. do the first part; start: The party will begin
soon. 2. start to be or happen: The storm began yesterday. |
14. |
happen |
go on; take place: So many funny things happen at
school. |
15. |
pass |
1. go by; move beyond: The truck passed two
cars. The days pass slowly. 2. hand from one to another: Please
pass the milk. 3. succeed in a test: She passed her math test. 4.
a free ticket: He gave me a pass to the movies. 5. a way through:
the guide looked for a pass through the mountains. |
16. |
pattern |
do in a certain way: She follows the pattern to make a
dress. |
17. |
travel |
go from one place to another: She is traveling in Europe
this summer. I like to travel by bus. |
18. |
fact |
a thing that can be proved to be true. |
19. |
matter |
1. what things are made of: The earth and all
things on it are made of matter. 2. business things: She has
several matters to take care of. 3. written things: Books, papers, and
other printed matter lay on the desk. 4. be important: Nothing seems to
matter to that girl. |
20. |
perhaps |
able to happen but not sure to happen: perhaps a package
will come in the mail today. |