
3-5 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-5

3-5 Spelling Tip

Short a.
The sign for short a is /ShortA.gif (877 bytes)/.
The short a sound is in am, and, and hand.


Words Definitions
1. as 1. equally:  Sue is as tall as Jane.  2. doing the work of:  Ann will act as your guide.  3.  while:  As we walked, we talked.  4.  in the same way that:  Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
2. am I am here.  I am going to be late.  I am glad.
3. an 1.  any:  Is there an orange in the dish?  2. one:  He is an inch taller than I am.  3.  each:  She earns fifty cents an hour.
4. that 1. That is used to point out some thing.  We use this for the thing nearer us, and that for the thing farther away from us:  Shall we take this ball or that one:  2. That is also used to connect groups of words:  I know that 5 and 3 are 8.
5. pants a common name for trousers.
6. at 1. At is used to show where:  Mother is at work.   2. At is used to show when:  Bill goes to bed at eight o'clock.
7. rabbit an animal with soft fur and long ears.
8. than compared to:  Our house is bigger than yours.
9. band 1.  a group of persons acting together:  A band of bad men robbed the bank.  2.  a group of musicians playing together:  The band played music for an hour.  3.  a thin, flat strip:  Put a rubber band around the papers.  The plate had a band of gold around the edge.
10. any 1. one out of many:  Choose any game you like.   2.  some: Have you any fresh flowers?

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